Hi Neighbors
Please care for the park and each other.

This is your park.
Enjoy it and help keep it clean, safe and beautiful.
Be nice and respect other park users and park rangers.
Pick up after yourself, your children and pets, and use all trash cans.
Visitors may be subject to video monitoring while in Tom Lee Park.
You can:
Make new friends! Say hi to someone you don’t know and chat about what you love about Memphis.
Play a game! Bring your balls, games, hula-hoops, bags and activities and enjoy them in the park.
Have a picnic! You’re welcome to bring a meal to enjoy with family and friends. No alcohol please.
Take a photo! Take advantage of the most beautiful spot on the Mississippi River to shoot your best selfies. Tag us @memriverparks and use #cometotheriver and #tomleepark.
Work out! Run, train, hula-hoop…whatever you do to keep fit, you can do it in Tom Lee Park. Please be mindful of others who may not be moving through the park as quickly as you.
Walk your dog! Dogs are welcome in Tom Lee Park. Please make sure to keep dogs on a leash unless in a designated dog park.
Please don’t:
Use motorized vehicles in the park. Scooters, motorbikes and golf carts are not permitted in Tom Lee Park.
Smoke. The park is for all so be considerate of others and smoke elsewhere.
Drink alcohol outside of at a permitted event or from a permitted vendor.
Play amplified music from a personal speaker. Leave your music at home and enjoy the park atmosphere.
Vend or sell food or drinks without prior authorization from the Partnership.
Close the park, or a section of the park, to public use. Click here to inquire about park rentals.
Destroy or tamper with grass, trees, plantings or flowers.
Code of Conduct:
Respect Others
Please treat all park visitors, staff, volunteers, and property with respect and courtesy. Do not engage in any behavior that could be considered abusive, threatening, or discriminatory.
Follow Park Rules
Please observe and follow all posted park rules and regulations, including those related to park hours, designated areas for activities, and the prohibition of alcohol and drugs.
Keep the Park Clean
Please help keep the park clean and litter-free by using designated trash and recycling bins. Do not leave any trash or personal belongings in the park.
Protect the Environment
Please help preserve the park's natural beauty and wildlife by not disturbing or damaging any plants, animals, or natural features.
Use Equipment Responsibly
Please use any park equipment, such as benches, playgrounds, and sports facilities, responsibly and safely.
Stay Safe
Please be mindful of your own safety and the safety of others in the park. Do not engage in any behavior that could be considered dangerous or reckless.
Be Mindful of Noise
Please be respectful of others in the park and keep noise levels to a reasonable level. Do not play music or use amplified sound systems without prior approval.
Respect Private Property
Please respect the privacy and property of nearby residents and businesses. Do not trespass or damage any private property.